The Universe in a Unique Verse (The Return of Pangea) – Earth Day Poetic Journey

Earth Day – Poetic Journey – The Gala of Gaia 

A Human Odyssey, Blueturn and Ursidae Paris present
« The Universe in a Unique Verse (The Return of Pangea) »
An Overview Effect Poetic Journey into our Common Future
Presented for the 2018 United Nations Earth Day.

Enjoy the vybe and share the link if you like 

Credits :
Poetry by Vincent Avanzi (A Human Odyssey)
Music by Clemshy (Ursidae Paris)
Images powered by Blueturn
Editing and subtitles by Georges Houy (Blueturn)

Links :



Poetic Journey
The Universe in a Unique Verse (The Return of Pangea)

Overview Overview Overview
I love you, I love you, I love you
Pangea Pangea Pangea
Where are you? Where are you? Where are you?

“Hello Humans,
We have a problem” in our system
Because we are all brothers and all sisters
And we have the power to change the future
And write a poem in all our cultures.

It’s the return of Pangea,
The Gala of Mankind with Gaia
And all the Earthlings breathing
in the energy of karma

What’s left for us in the future
If we can’t do what’s right in the present?

Instead of all trying to be Number One
Let’s just be ONE,together without numbers!
One humanity, one world,One harmony, one love, One family, one soul

Change the world for good, not for goods.
We can be part of the solution or part of the pollution!
The question for this generation,we ARE the revolution.

Do we want to create a better society
For the few…. or for the future?
We care about the outcome, of Humanity,
Not only its income, so please come.

Plant a seed of love in the soil to heal the world
Human nature is just the connection between humans and nature

When you change the world, it’s a chance for all
And when you change the world, it’s a chance for love
We believe in Human Kindness for a World Wise Win Win.

Overview effect, Poetically correct,
History doesn’t repeat itself, it rhymes with saving the planet.
We’re not the History in the making, we’re the Future and amazing!
All on the same boat, it’s called the HR, the “Human Relation” ship.

Let’s embrace our destiny.
In the humility of humanity lies the opportunity of our unity
As one entity to build a world of harmony in this new century,
With no more « follow me », but more « follow we »!

Let’s become that Harmony Generation
For a heaven revolution as our next human evolution,
The one that said Yes to life, Yes to the future
Yes to our planet, Yes to common good
And Yes to our human kind-ness.

Maybe big or small is beautiful,
But together and forever are wonderful!
Our common dream is still to see
The Universe stand in a single unique verse

Our home sweet home is the dome of our soul for us all
And survival of the forest
is the only progress that matters on this planet

A man without dreams is like a bird without wings
We still believe in the heart of each and every human being.
No matter whether beauty or poetry will save the world
We just hope that one day “we’ll live as ONE”.
Imagine A”ll of the life”…

As the world keeps spinning and the phones still ringing
Have we lost our feelings at the cost of living
Should we stop the killing and is love a real thing?
The Earth is bleeding, nature can be healing,
So let the new story of mankind begin…

Author : Vincent Avanzi



April 2020 Studio Session – Commemoration #Earthday 50 years

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